7 research outputs found

    Measuring Positive and Negative Association of Apriori Algorithm with Cosine Correlation Analysis

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    يهدف هذا العمل إلى معرفة قواعد الارتباط الإيجابية وقواعد الارتباط السلبية في خوارزمية (Apriori) باستخدام تحليل ارتباط جيب التمام. يتم تطبيق الخوارزمية الافتراضية وخوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط المعدلة على قاعدة بيانات الفطر لمعرفة الفرق في النتائج. أظهرت النتائج التجريبية أن خوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط المعدلة يمكن أن تولد قواعد ارتباط سلبية. وتعطي إضافة تحليل ارتباط جيب التمام قدرًا أصغر من قواعد الارتباط عما هو من كميات خوارزمية استخراج قواعد الارتباط الافتراضية. من خلال قواعد الارتباط العشرة الأولى ، يمكن ملاحظة وجود قواعد مختلفة بين الخوارزمية الافتراضية وخوارزمية Apriori المعدلة. إن اختلاف القواعد التي تم الحصول عليها من قواعد الارتباط الإيجابية وقواعد الارتباط السلبية يقوي بعضها البعض بدرجة جيدة جدًا.This work aims to see the positive association rules and negative association rules in the Apriori algorithm by using cosine correlation analysis. The default and the modified Association Rule Mining algorithm are implemented against the mushroom database to find out the difference of the results. The experimental results showed that the modified Association Rule Mining algorithm could generate negative association rules. The addition of cosine correlation analysis returns a smaller amount of association rules than the amounts of the default Association Rule Mining algorithm. From the top ten association rules, it can be seen that there are different rules between the default and the modified Apriori algorithm. The difference of the obtained rules from positive association rules and negative association rules strengthens to each other with a pretty good confidence score

    Finding Structured and Unstructured Features to Improve the Search Result of Complex Question

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    -Recently, search engine got challenge deal with such a natural language questions. Sometimes, these questions are complex questions. A complex question is a question that consists several clauses, several intentions or need long answer. In this work we proposed that finding structured features and unstructured features of questions and using structured data and unstructured data could improve the search result of complex questions. According to those, we will use two approaches, IR approach and structured retrieval, QA template. Our framework consists of three parts. Question analysis, Resource Discovery and Analysis The Relevant Answer. In Question Analysis we used a few assumptions, and tried to find structured and unstructured features of the questions. Structured feature refers to Structured data and unstructured feature refers to unstructured data. In the resource discovery we integrated structured data (relational database) and unstructured data (webpage) to take the advantaged of two kinds of data to improve and reach the relevant answer. We will find the best top fragments from context of the webpage In the Relevant Answer part, we made a score matching between the result from structured data and unstructured data, then finally used QA template to reformulate the question. In the experiment result, it shows that using structured feature and unstructured feature and using both structured and unstructured data, using approach IR and QA template could improve the search result of complex questions

    FoFA: Diet Information for Children with Autism with Semantic Technology in Android Based Application

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    The number of people with autism in Indonesia increases by 0.15% or 6,900 children per year. One of the actions that can be done to overcome developmental disorders of children with autism is to do Feingold and Failsafe Diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD diet), and Casein-Free Gluten Free diet (CFGF diet) on foodstuffs given to children with autism. There is a need for socialization and presentation of information regarding the regulation of food items given to children with autism. Currently, there is no presentation of information in the form of mobile-based applications as a forum for parents to exchange information, especially those that utilize semantic technology. By utilizing semantic technology, the Food For Autism (FoFA) application was created to share knowledge for users related to food and beverage diet menus for children with autism. The test results show that the application of FoFA can apply semantic technology related to diet and food diets for children with autism


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    The current researches on question answer usually achieve the answer only from unstructured text resources such as collection of news or pages. According to our observation from Yahoo!Answer, users sometimes ask in complex natural language questions which contain structured and unstructured features. Generally, answering the complex questions needs to consider not only unstructured but also structured resource. In this work, researcher propose a new idea to improve accuracy of the answers of complex questions by recognizing the structured and unstructured features of questions and them in the web. Our framework consists of three parts: Question Analysis, Resource Discovery, and Analysis of The Relevant Answer. In Question Analysis researcher used a few assumptions and tried to find structured and unstructured features of the questions. In the resource discovery researcher integrated structured data (relational database) and unstructured data (web page) to take the advantage of two kinds of data to improve and to get the correct answers. We can find the best top fragments from context of the relevant web pages in the Relevant Answer part and then researcher made a score matching between the result from structured data and unstructured data, then finally researcher used QA template to reformulate the questions. Penelitian yang ada pada saat ini mengenai Question Answer (QA) biasanya mendapatkan jawaban dari sumber teks yang tidak terstruktur seperti kumpulan berita atau halaman. Sesuai dengan observasi peneliti dari pengguna Yahoo!Answer, biasanya mereka bertanya dalam natural language yang sangat kompleks di mana mengandung bentuk yang terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur. Secara umum, menjawab pertanyaan yang kompleks membutuhkan pertimbangan yang tidak hanya sumber tidak terstruktur tetapi juga sumber yang terstruktur. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mengajukan suatu ide baru untuk meningkatkan keakuratan dari jawaban pertanyaan yang kompleks dengan mengenali bentuk terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur dan mengintegrasikan keduanya di web. Framework yang digunakan terdiri dari tiga bagian: Question Analysis, Resource Discovery, dan Analysis of The Relevant Answer. Pada Question Analysis peneliti menggunakan beberapa asumsi dan mencoba mencari bentuk data yang terstruktur dan tidak terstruktur. Dalam penemuan sumber daya, peneliti mengintegrasikan data terstruktur (relational database) dan data tidak terstruktur (halaman web) untuk mengambil keuntungan dari dua jenis data untuk meningkatkan dan untuk mencapai jawaban yang benar. Peneliti dapat menemukan fragmen atas terbaik dari konteks halaman web pada bagian Relevant Answer dan kemudian peneliti membuat pencocoka skor antara hasil dari data terstruktur dan data tidak terstruktur. Terakhir peneliti menggunakan template QA untuk merumuskan pertanyaan

    YouTube X-Rating Detection with Bahasa-Slang Title Using Query Expansion and Rule Based Approaches

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    The detection of X-rating content on the Internet is still rarely done in Indonesia and the performance of the existing work to detect X-rating content, especially in video is still low. The largest video portal, YouTube, does not yet have automatic X-rating content detection through its content either. Some X-rating content prevention service providers in Indonesia, such as the Internet Positive and Nawala Project, detect X-rating content using the keyword detection method of a web page and then block the web page with DNS filtering. However, that method does not pay attention to using  Bahasa-Slang. This work developed Metasearch named Safedio. Safedio aims to detect X-rating content on YouTube content through video titles that contain Bahasa-Slang. Safedio utilizes Query Expansion and Rule-Based approaches. The Query Expansion is a technique to get additional rules in search. In the end, Safedio can detect X-rating content through video titles in both Bahasa and Bahasa-Slang. The average results return with precision 71%, recall 46% and accuracy 72%